Mobile Storefronts

Delivery Fleets
We partner with commercial vehicle manufacturers and upfitters that assist retailers in designing and obtaining ideal vehicle platforms. Our Instant Mobile Storefront™ utility can be customized in limitless configurations to support a merchant’s unique inventory. StreetLogic's compatibility with Android Auto® streamlines OEM integrations to convert stock vehicles into connected and intelligent delivery fleets.
Delivery Robot Applications
StreetLogic’s intelligent geofencing, AI-driven promotions, and real-time onboard inventory management help delivery robots connect with shoppers in local markets. On platforms where no workers are present, functions such as inventory assessment and real-time communications are managed entirely through our proprietary automations.

Upfitting Existing Fleets
Whether you're operating a last mile program with a single delivery vehicle or thousands, StreetLogic support hardware is easy to install. StreetLogic can turn your existing delivery program into a connected and intelligent mobile retail solution in a matter of minutes.