A Physical Touchpoint for
Digital Commerce
Monetize Existing Delivery Fleets
StreetLogic turns stock delivery vehicles into revenue-generating mobile storefronts using our platform-as-a-service mobile commerce model.

Delivery Vehicle
(Cost Center)
Predestined Inventory
Wasteful Hub & Spoke Routing
Scheduled Deliveries Only
Standard Delivery Response Times
Leaves Many Decisions With the Driver
Empty Miles Add Up to Huge Expense
Mobile Storefront
(Profit Center)
Mobile, Real-Time Inventory
Remains in the Market For Entire Shifts
Scheduled Delivery, On-Demand, Pop-Up Modes
Real-Time In-Market Response
Connected and Guided by Intelligence
Generates Incremental Revenue / Pays for Itself

Our patented methods empower delivery operators through a
B2B subscription-based model that provides “real-time everything.”

StreetLogic Allows Delivery Vehicles to Seek & Find Customers
StreetLogic AI augments traditional delivery routines by serving relevant, in-moment messages that offer real-time inventory to nearby customers for immediate purchase. Automated messaging provides the opportunity to say, “Hello, We're in Your Area. Can We Brighten Your Day?”

Maximize Sales While En Route
StreetLogic AI doesn’t just locate nearby customers, it leverages order histories to generate personalized offers and add-on opportunities based on available onboard inventory.
Real-Time Inventory
For mobile retail operations to be effective, access to real-time onboard inventory is essential. The ability for consumers to see only the products that are immediately available is key when offering limited, curated, or fresh items.

Complete Mobile Fulfillment Platform
Merchants access mobile retail operations through StreetLogic's proprietary vendor dashboard. This provides a single logistics touchpoint to manage delivery fleet vehicles and simplify tasks such as monitoring inventory, managing promotions, and communicating with customers & staff.

Works with
existing or newly acquired fleets

API allows easy integration into any tech stack

Powering both manned and unmanned vehicles

Merchants retain 100% of
retail margin